Guidelines to Authors

Submission guidelines: Instructions for Author/Authors

Manuscript Submission

It is the responsibility of the author/authors to furnish an undertaking that the manuscript he/she/they submit (i) has not been published before or is not being considered for publication anywhere else, (ii) that all the co-authors have approved the manuscript.


It will be the responsibility of the author/authors to furnish evidence of permission from appropriate authorities/copy right owners, if they include figures, tables, or text passages( exceeding 50 words)  that have already been published elsewhere either in print or online format.

Title Page
The title page is required to furnish the following:

Title of the Article: Authors are requested to provide a title which is succinct and relevant.

Author information
The name(s) of the author(s)
The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e. institution, city, state, country and active email ID/IDs.

Abstract and Keyword
Along with the article, author/authors are also required to submit an abstract of not more than 150 words with 4-6 Keywords.

Author/Authors is /are required to submit appropriate declaration and information in case the article is based on funded research and requires ethics approval.

Articles for consideration of publication should be typed in MS Word format and sent to the editor on the email ID as file attachment. Articles sent for publication should include the ‘Title’ typed in font size 14 followed by the name of the Author/Authors( typed in font size 12).

Article Length (in words)
Research articles must be between 3000 -8000 words but not longer than 10000 words. Book reviews should not be more than 2000 words.

British spelling is required to be used. Single quotes should be used all over. Use of double quote marks is permissible within single quote.

Numbers from one to nine should be mentioned in words, ten and above should be mentioned in figures. However, while mentioning measurements in units like Kg, Km etc., figures should be used.

Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.

Notes are required to be given as endnotes and should be numbered serially.

Citation and Referencing
References in the text may be cited by giving name and year in parentheses for example:

The determinants of RNFE have been studied ( Panda, 2012; Mellore,1976). Authors should follow the APA 7 style of referencing. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. Specimen referencing styles are given below:

Subramanian,K.S.(2017). State, Policy and Conflicts in Northeast India (Ist ed.), Routledge India.

Chapter in a book
Nambiar, S.(2017). India’s Connectivity with ASEAN: What Role for North East India. In Atul Sarma and S. Choudhury(Ed.) Mainstreaming the Northeast in India’s Look and Act East Policy (pp.154-175).Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Article
Ravi, Shamika & Engler, Monika (2015). Workfare as an Effective Way to Fight Poverty: The Case of India’s NREGS. World Development, 67(C), 57-71. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.09.029

Working Papers / Discussion Papers
Choudhury, S. (2011) Mid-Term Appraisal of Eleventh Five Year Plan & Review of Performance of Flagship Programmes- Manipur & Assam. OKDISCD.

Government Reports
Ministry of Finance. Economic Survey 2020-21.  Government of India.

Conference and Seminar Papers
Panda, B.(2018).Act East Policy, India’s North-East and Thailand: Issues in Economic Integration. In Globalized Thailand? Connectivity, Conflict and Conundrums of Thai Studies, Vol.3.(pp. 1193-1203). Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University.

Online sources Sahu, P.P. 2012. ‘Employment Situation in North Eastern Region of India: Recent Trends and Emerging Challenges’, NLI Research Studies Series No.: 096/2012, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, India:, accessed on 18/12/2021.